mybookisbad: tag yourself Definitely The Planner.

fanfics-of-a-tired-ravenclaw: happylilstarchild: gay-as-shite: eleanor-hates-pedos: pedos-can-burn-please: thechristmasrapture: doctorboss: curioussubfreak: shandell82: phillybarberfreak: theoriginallowkeyfreak: rocketzandwaterfallz: nonwhiteteethteens: i-partied-with-gatsby: louisrielforever: jukadiie: africanaquarian: rlyhigh: rlyhigh: bukakii: kingnycjohnson: mothamelanin: They’re going to try and kill him. He’s probably already dead BOOOOOST THIS YOOOOO seriously guys boost this… Read more

mybookisbad:tag yourself Definitely The Planner.

mybookisbad: tag yourself Definitely The Planner. from Tumblr

imsmartiswear: Reminder that working hard doesn’t equal working until you’re burnt out.

fanfics-of-a-tired-ravenclaw: happylilstarchild: gay-as-shite: …

fanfics-of-a-tired-ravenclaw: happylilstarchild: gay-as-shite: eleanor-hates-pedos: pedos-can-burn-please: thechristmasrapture: doctorboss: curioussubfreak: shandell82: phillybarberfreak: theoriginallowkeyfreak: rocketzandwaterfallz: nonwhiteteethteens: i-partied-with-gatsby: louisrielforever: jukadiie: africanaquarian: rlyhigh: rlyhigh: bukakii: kingnycjohnson: mothamelanin: They’re going to try and kill him. He’s probably already dead BOOOOOST THIS YOOOOO seriously guys boost this… Read morefanfics-of-a-tired-ravenclaw: happylilstarchild: gay-as-shite: …

sharingwritingprompts: A lesbian cowgirl with a robot companion move to a new town looking for a new start, and becomes the new deputy sheriff when she accidentally solves a murder.

imsmartiswear: Reminder that working hard doesn’t equal working until you’re burnt out.

imsmartiswear: Reminder that working hard doesn’t equal working until you’re burnt out. from Tumblr

imsmartiswear: Reminder that working hard doesn’t equal working until you’re burnt out.

imsmartiswear: Reminder that working hard doesn’t equal working until you’re burnt out. from Tumblr

sharingwritingprompts:A lesbian cowgirl with a robot companion move to a new town looking for a new…

sharingwritingprompts:A lesbian cowgirl with a robot companion move to a new town looking for a new… from Tumblr

sharingwritingprompts:A lesbian cowgirl with a robot companion move to a new town looking for a new…

sharingwritingprompts:A lesbian cowgirl with a robot companion move to a new town looking for a new… from Tumblr

positivedoodles: I’m just over halfway to my next goal on patreon. When I hit 300$, I’ll start posting longer comics on Saturdays. If that’s a thing that interests you, you can pledge for just 1$ here and in return, you… Read more

positivedoodles:I’m just over halfway to my next goal on…

Drawing of a white rabbit saying “You aren’t insignificant to me. You aren’t insignificant at all. You matter so much.” against a purple background. Drawing of a white rabbit saying “You’re so lovely and you deserve to be okay.” against… Read morepositivedoodles:I’m just over halfway to my next goal on…

goodreadss: “As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” — Goethe (via goodreadss)

positivedoodles:I’m just over halfway to my next goal on…

Drawing of a white rabbit saying “You aren’t insignificant to me. You aren’t insignificant at all. You matter so much.” against a purple background. Drawing of a white rabbit saying “You’re so lovely and you deserve to be okay.” against… Read morepositivedoodles:I’m just over halfway to my next goal on…

positivedoodles:I’m just over halfway to my next goal on…

Drawing of a white rabbit saying “You aren’t insignificant to me. You aren’t insignificant at all. You matter so much.” against a purple background. Drawing of a white rabbit saying “You’re so lovely and you deserve to be okay.” against… Read morepositivedoodles:I’m just over halfway to my next goal on…

positivedoodles:I’m just over halfway to my next goal on…

Drawing of a white rabbit saying “You aren’t insignificant to me. You aren’t insignificant at all. You matter so much.” against a purple background. Drawing of a white rabbit saying “You’re so lovely and you deserve to be okay.” against… Read morepositivedoodles:I’m just over halfway to my next goal on…

I always thought that life should have more to offer me. Now I feel like I have more to offer life.

goodreadss: “As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” — Goethe (via goodreadss)

goodreadss: “As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” — Goethe (via goodreadss) from Tumblr

goodreadss: “As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” — Goethe (via goodreadss)

goodreadss: “As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” — Goethe (via goodreadss) from Tumblr

Two things inspire me to awe: the starry heavens above and the moral universe within. Immanuel Kant (via quotemadness)