
the reluctance of people to just use they/them for characters baffles me because like…… it’s such a fucking zero-cost proposition.

if the characters are meant to be nonbinary and you use they/them? cool, you’re correct!

if the characters are meant to be ambiguous/nonspecified and you use they/them? cool, you’re using a correct option, and making a bunch of nb people in fandom feel happier and safer!

if you choose to use he or she regardless of specific creator intent? you’re alienating a bunch of people for no adequate reason, you’re contradicting canon pronoun usage, and you’re just generally kind of being an ass for literally no reason

they is not any harder to type than he. you will not be electrocuted for every time you use single person they. it takes actively less effort than changing the character’s pronouns does. it’s really that fucking simple!

My current WIP novella (one of the two) includes a dragon with it/its pronouns (as all dragons do here) and a character that is part of an ancient androgynous race that exclusively uses they/them pronouns. The scenes aren’t long, but they’re there.

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