5 Ways to Find Your Novel Title


Note: Keep a running list of title ideas you could use for future projects. This is endlessly helpful for me.

1. Find it in the text itself

Maybe there is a really good phrase hidden in your work that encapsulates the work as a whole. I love when I come across the title while reading. Write down good contenders as you go along editing.

2. The Motif / Imagery

If there is a running motif or image in your work, that alone can be a good title or at the very least, be a part of the title. 

3. Eponymous

If your story relies heavily on a single character (or family and you use the surname), and the name is interesting: use it! There are very dynamic names in literature that could stand alone on the cover.

4. Eavesdrop

The amount of good titles I’ve heard in phrases of conversation I overhear is incredible. Sometimes, strangers string together the words better than you could just by brainstorming.

5. Figures of Speech

Whether you straight up use the figure of speech or adapt/subvert it to fit your story, these can be really good and eyecatching IMO.

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