Q&A: Reaction to Punching

howtofightwrite: I know this may sound stupid but, how do you write what happens after the punch hits to person? Like, when the punch hit “Their head flung/snapped sideways” Is there a word/words to describe that moment? itshighnowon This isn’t… Read moreQ&A: Reaction to Punching

hogwartsfemme-deactivated-deact: I can’t believe this needs to be said but if you want your boundaries online to be respected, you need to sacrifice a little of your aesthetic choices. “They broke my DNI! It’s right there in my bio!” Okay… Read more

captainlordauditor: thevioletsunflower: davidlieberman: davidlieberman: i want you all to know that there is an artist (carmen papalia) who, after he started using a white cane, assembled a 12 foot long white cane and began using it in downtown vancouver. the… Read more