Quick Tips on Writing Powerful Female Characters

not-so-classicallytrainedwriter: Alright, I’m not going to pretend I’m not a feminist. But regardless of your stance or whatever (and I’m really not going into personal opinions, motivations, or anything like that and I will act unbiased), here are some things… Read moreQuick Tips on Writing Powerful Female Characters

Quick Tips on Writing Powerful Female Characters

not-so-classicallytrainedwriter: Alright, I’m not going to pretend I’m not a feminist. But regardless of your stance or whatever (and I’m really not going into personal opinions, motivations, or anything like that and I will act unbiased), here are some things… Read moreQuick Tips on Writing Powerful Female Characters

Neil Gaiman Explains How the Phrase “Strong Women”€™ Begets Lazy Writing

It shouldn’t be any harder to write strong (as in, fully-wrought and believable) female characters than it is to write strong male characters because women, just like men, are people (not that not being a person has ever prevented a… Read moreNeil Gaiman Explains How the Phrase “Strong Women”€™ Begets Lazy Writing

Neil Gaiman Explains How the Phrase “Strong Women”€™ Begets Lazy Writing

It shouldn’t be any harder to write strong (as in, fully-wrought and believable) female characters than it is to write strong male characters because women, just like men, are people (not that not being a person has ever prevented a… Read moreNeil Gaiman Explains How the Phrase “Strong Women”€™ Begets Lazy Writing