Site icon Stephanie Tillman

Health Update! :D

One of the psychiatrists I found through WebMD is literally just down the street, and all I have to do is confirm my insurance!!!

It’s only an 8-minute walk with sidewalks all the way down. I had to walk about 12 minutes uphill to work last year, so this should be a piece of cake.

I did some walking today, and I managed to squeeze in a massage appointment tomorrow–and there’s a 3-massage package right now where I can get student pricing as an alumna, which is a difference of $12 per massage, as long as I do them before the end of March.

My anxiety was really bad on Saturday, and I’ve been anxious on and off, but now I can actually get the help I need.

My Fibromyalgia is pretty awful right now, so I’m looking forward to getting taken care of for once.

And please send good vibes, prayers, whatever our way. My second family needs all the help they can get.

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