If you need a sign to stay alive, here it is.

THIS IS YOUR SIGN. THIS IS A CHANCE TO CHANGE YOUR MIND. This is me personally saying, from the bottom of my heart, “It’s okay. You will be okay one day.” You are unique. You are valid. You are loved…. Read moreIf you need a sign to stay alive, here it is.

If you need a sign to stay alive, here it is.

THIS IS YOUR SIGN. THIS IS A CHANCE TO CHANGE YOUR MIND. This is me personally saying, from the bottom of my heart, “It’s okay. You will be okay one day.” You are unique. You are valid. You are loved…. Read moreIf you need a sign to stay alive, here it is.

If you need a sign to stay alive, here it is.

You are unique. You are valid. You are loved. You are enough. You have always been enough. You will always be enough–and more, more than you may ever realize. YOU MATTER. I don’t care if it feels like you don’t… Read moreIf you need a sign to stay alive, here it is.

Anxiety Gif Master Post

annoyeed: dxvgnclxs: healingschemas: dead-rainbow: Breathe in and out with this box Follow the brush with your eyes DBT Self-Help Resources: Self-Soothe Anxiety Collection if only I had seen these during my last anxiety attack If it helps No matter how… Read moreAnxiety Gif Master Post

Anxiety Gif Master Post

annoyeed: dxvgnclxs: healingschemas: dead-rainbow: Breathe in and out with this box Follow the brush with your eyes DBT Self-Help Resources: Self-Soothe Anxiety Collection if only I had seen these during my last anxiety attack If it helps No matter how… Read moreAnxiety Gif Master Post